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01 等值翻譯

a drop in the ocean  滄海一粟

within a stone’s throw  一箭之遙

kill two birds with one stone 一箭雙雕

02 差值翻譯

at sixes and sevens  


on second thoughts 


by ones and twos 


Two heads are better than one. 


ten thousand(10個千)一萬

one hundred thousand(100個千)十萬

ten million(10個百萬)千萬

one hundred million(100個百萬)億

one billion十億(美式英語)

ten billion(10個十億)百億

one hundred billion(100個十億)千億

one trillion 萬億


scores of 許多,大量

billions of 幾十億

hundreds of millions 億萬

a thousand and one 無數的

a hundred and one 許多

ten to one 十之八九

in two twos 轉眼;立即 

one or two 少許;幾個

twenty and twenty 三分之二,

first of all 首先

second to none 首屈一指

last but one 倒數第二

by hundreds 數以百計

by thousands 數以千計;

by(the) millions 數以百萬計

by halves 不完全

a decade of 十個,10

a score of 二十,20

a dozen of 一打,12個

nine cases out of ten 十之八九

nine tenths 十之八九;幾乎全部

tens of thousands 好幾萬

several millions of 數百萬

fifty-fifty 各半的;對半的;平均

by one hundred percent 百分之百;全部

a long hundred 一百多;一百二十

a few tenths of 十分之幾;有幾成

by twos and threes 三三兩兩

by ones or twos 三三兩兩;零零落落

hundreds of  數以百計

thousands of 數以千計

hundreds of thousands of 幾十萬;無數的

thousands upon thousands 萬千上萬

millions upon millions of 千百萬

tens of, decades of 數十個

dozens of 幾打;幾十個

1萬= ten thousand

10萬= one hundred thousand

1000萬= ten million

1億= one hundred million





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