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制作精巧 skillful manufacture

工藝精良 sophisticated technology

zui新工藝 latest technology

加工精細(xì) finely processed

設(shè)計(jì)精巧 deft design

造型新穎 modern design

造型優(yōu)美 beautiful design

設(shè)計(jì)合理 professional design

造型富麗華貴 luxuriant in design

結(jié)構(gòu)合理 rational construction

款式新穎 attractive design

款式齊全 various styles

式樣優(yōu)雅 elegant shape

花色入時(shí) fashionable patterns

任君選擇 for your selection

五彩繽紛 colorful

色彩艷麗 beautiful in colors

色澤光潤(rùn) color brilliancy

色澤素雅 delicate colors

瑰麗多彩 pretty and colorful

潔白透明 pure white and translucence

潔白純正 pure whiteness

品質(zhì)優(yōu)良 excellent quality(high quality)

質(zhì)量上乘 superior quality

質(zhì)量穩(wěn)定 stable quality

質(zhì)量可靠 reliable quality

品種繁多 wide varieties

規(guī)格齊全 complete in specifications

保質(zhì)保量 quality and quantity assured

性能可靠 dependable performance

操作簡(jiǎn)便 easy and simple to handle

使用方便 easy to use

經(jīng)久耐用 durable in use

以質(zhì)優(yōu)而聞名 well-known for its fine quality

數(shù)量之首 The king of quantity

質(zhì)量zui佳 The queen of quality

信譽(yù)可靠 reliable reputation

聞名世界 world-wide renowm

久負(fù)盛名 to have a long standing reputation

譽(yù)滿中外 to enjoy high reputation at home and abroad

歷史悠久 to have a long history

暢銷全球 selling well all over the world

深受歡迎 to win warm praise from customers

協(xié)定 agreement

議定書 protocol

貿(mào)易協(xié)定 trade agreement

貿(mào)易與支付協(xié)定 trade and payment agreement

政府間貿(mào)易協(xié)定 inter-governmental trade agreement

民間貿(mào)易協(xié)定 non-governmental trade agreement

雙邊協(xié)定 bilateral agreement

多邊協(xié)定 multilateral agreement

支付協(xié)定 payment agreement

口頭協(xié)定 verbal agreement

書面協(xié)定 written agreement

君子協(xié)定 gentlemen’s agreement

銷售合同 sales contract

格式合同 model contract

意向協(xié)議書 agreement of intent

意向書 letter of intent

空白格式 blank form

授權(quán)書 power of attorney

換文 exchange of letter

備忘錄 memorandum

合同條款 contract terms

免責(zé)條款 escape clause

原文 original text

譯文 version

措辭 wording

正本 original

副本 copy

附錄 attachment

附件 appendix

會(huì)簽 to counter-sign

違反合同 breach of contract

修改合同 amendment of contract

撤銷合同 cancellation of contract

合同的續(xù)訂 renewal of contract

合同的解釋 interpretation of contact

合同到期 expiration of contract

起草合同 to draft a contract

做出合同 to work out a contract

談妥合同 to fix up a contract

簽訂合同 to sign a contract

締結(jié)合同 to conclude a contract

草簽合同 to initial a contract

廢除合同 to annul a contract

執(zhí)行合同 to perform a contract

嚴(yán)格遵守合同條款 to keep strictly to the terms of the contract

一式二份 in duplicate

一式三份 in triplicate

一式四份 in quadruplicate


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會(huì)展翻譯:產(chǎn)品描述和公司介紹 2021-8-11
上一條:Messi 梅西下一條:App 為什么要本地化?




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