



Shenzhen Virtual University Park (SZVUP) was established in 1999 as an innovative strategic initiative by Shenzhen Municipal Government to promote development in high-tech sectors. SZVUP, co-sponsored by the government and respective universities, is designed in the model of one campus for multiple universities. It took the lead in the country in integrating resources of domestic and international universities and developing an innovative demonstration base for collaboration among industry, education and research. SZVUP has been awarded titles and certifications of National University Science Park, National Hi-Tech Innovation Service Center, Post-doctoral Research Workstation, College Students Technology Entrepreneurship Center, Demonstration Base for Integrated Industry, Education and Research of Ministry of Education in Guangdong and Guangdong scientific and technological Talent Base.





联系我们: 越西县| 万安县| 梧州市| 东明县| 炉霍县| 江津市| 唐山市| 屏东市| 克什克腾旗| 株洲市| 稻城县| 萨迦县| 江安县| 普安县| 北安市| 澜沧| 南丰县| 即墨市| 铜鼓县| 盐山县| 双辽市| 义乌市| 且末县| 万年县| 舞钢市| 惠安县| 芜湖县| 汉中市| 吕梁市| 永福县| 七台河市| 哈尔滨市| 读书| 即墨市| 隆德县| 交口县| 惠东县| 巴东县| 通化市| 澄江县| 梅河口市|