


iCare Health Management Service(Shenzhen) Co. , Ld.( clled as "iCare"). Investment by Asian Community Care Mansgement Inc.(abbreviation "ACCM" ),iCare is a comprehensive service company engaged in technology development, research, consultation and service in the professional fields of heaith management and medical technology. based on the strong health management system and service System of ACCM for nearly 20 years, iCare devotes itself to providing international, professional and individual health service for Chinese compattiots.




ACCM located in Manhattan, New York, the world financial center, It's one of the few companies which provide professional health management service to US medical insurance companies under the authentication and approval of US Department of Health and Human Service. ACCM has created the scientific management system called Initiative Medical Health Management with AETNA (Aetna Life Insurance Company) and ACCM has conducted in-depth international exchanges and strategic cooperation with many famous international universities, such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Columbia and so on. And New York Presbyterian, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, The Johns Hopkins University and other hospitals established long-term strategic partnership, Under the pproval of US Department of Heath and Human Service, established National Community Medical Resource Network called iCare Of NY, and build a systematic heaith technical industry platform of remote mode based on Internet and huge data.


ACCM位于世界金融中心--紐約曼哈頓,是經美國衛生部認證和批準的,極少數為美國醫療保險公司提供專業化健康管理服務的公司。ACCM同美國安泰健康保險有限公司(簡稱“AETNA”)共同創建了“主動醫療健康管理”的科學管理系統,與哈佛、麻省理工、斯坦福、哥倫比亞等多家國際著名高校進行了深度戰略合作,與紐約長老會、紀念斯隆凱特琳癌癥中心、霍普金斯醫學院等醫院建立了長期的戰略合作伙伴關系,組建了經美國衛生部批準成立的“iCare Of NY”全美社區醫療資源網絡,搭建成熟的以互聯網/大數據服務遠程模式和系統性健康技術產業服務平臺。


上一條:深圳市合川智能科技下一條:慈惠健康 CIHUI HEALTH



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