


經濟下跌fall, drop, be lower, slip等來翻譯,更為嚴重的還可以用plummet和collapse等。

微跌:slip, drop, down

跌幅較大:plummet, collapse

同比 翻譯

from the same period last year

compared to the previous year

from a year earlier


連續上漲和下滑consecutive 或 in a row 以及in a straight months/years。

也可以直接用類似 a 17-month low/high的表達方式

Z低點:lowest 或 lowest level

Z高值/記錄:用high、the highest或record high/level來表示。



  to add

  (to be) up

  to build up

  to climb

  to come up

  to enhance

  to gain

  to go up

  to grow

  to increase

  to push up

  to rise


  to  jump 躍升

  to rocket  猛增

  to shoot up 猛增

  to surge 大幅度上升


  (to be) down

  to bring down

  to come down

  to cut

  to decline

  to descend

  to drop

  to fall

  to do down

  to lessen

  to lower

  to reduce

  to retreat

  to slide

  to slow down.


  to plummet

  to plunge

  to collapse


中國經濟新常態(The new normal of China’s economy)

1.經濟增速雖然放緩,實際增量依然可觀(a sizable increase in real output despite slower growth);

2.經濟增長更趨平穩,增長動力更為多元(more stable growth with a more diversified array of growth 


3.經濟結構優化升級,發展前景更加穩定( an increasingly optimized and upgraded economic structure);

4.中國政府大力簡政放權,市場活力進一步釋放( a further revitalized market as result of the on-going move 

to streamline government and delegate authorities)。

經濟網站翻譯,翻譯報價熱線400 8633 580




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