


1. 傳統中國節日: traditional Chinese festival

2. 農歷: lunar calendar

3. 臘八節: Laba Festival

4. 小年: Little New Year

5. 除夕: Lunar New Year's Eve

春節: the Spring Festival

正月初一: Lunar New Year's Day

元宵節: the Lantern Festival

兔年: the Year of the Rabbit

年: Nian; Year monster

掃塵: sweep the dust

掃房: spring cleaning

祭灶: offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

守歲: stay up

拜年: pay a New Year's call

春聯: Spring Festival couplets

23. 貼倒福: paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

24. 去晦氣: get rid of the ill-fortune

25. 辭舊歲: bid farewell to the old year

26. 兆頭: omen

27. 禁忌: taboo

吃團圓飯: have family reunion dinner

年夜飯: New Year's Eve dinner

全家團圓: family reunion

辦年貨: do Spring Festival shopping

敬酒: propose a toast

穿新衣: wear new clothes

紅包: red envelops

壓歲錢: gift money

年糕: rice cake

泥人: clay sculpture

皮影戲: shadow puppetry

木偶戲: puppet show

刺繡: embroidery

剪紙: paper-cut

中國結: Chinese knot

年畫: New Year painting

新年快樂: Happy New Year

春節快樂: Happy Spring Festival

一帆風順: hope everything goes smoothly with you 

財源廣進: Wish you a prosperous new year.

萬事如意: wish you all the best; wish you every success

歲歲平安: may you stay safe and sound all year round

祝新年快樂,并愿你幸福吉祥,前程似錦: I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my wish for your happiness and good future.


春節過年陪同翻譯,陪同翻譯報價熱線 400 8633 580

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