


Achievement tests 成就測試
Arbitrary 仲裁
Assessment 評價
Audit approach 審計法

Basic skills 基本技能
Benchmarking 評判
Benefits 收益
Bonus 獎金

Career counseling 職業咨詢
Career curves (maturity curves) 職業曲線(成熟曲線)
Career management system 職業管理系統
Career support 職業支持

Collective bargaining process 勞資談判過程
Competency assessment 能力評估
Competitive advantage 競爭優勢
Coordination training 合作培訓

Cross-training 交叉培訓
Cultural environment 文化環境
Diversity training 多元化培訓

Efficiency wage theory 效率工資理論
Employee empowerment 員工授權
Employee survey research 雇員調查與研究
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) 公平就業機會
Expatriate 外派雇員

Feedback 反饋
Flexible benefits plans 靈活的福利計劃
Flextime 靈活的時間
Functional job analysis, FJA 職能工作分析
Gain sharing plans 收益分享計劃
Group-building methods 團隊建設法

High-leverage training 高層次培訓
High-performance work systems 高績效工作系統
Hourly work 計時工資制
Human capital 人力資本
Human resource information system (HRIS) 人力資源信息系統
Human resource management 人力資源管理
Human resources planning, HRP 人力資源計劃
Intraorganizational bargaining 組織內談判

Job classification system 工作分類法
Job description 工作描述
Job design 工作設計
Job rotation 工作輪換
Job satisfaction 工作滿意度
Job specification 工作規范

Labor market 勞動力市場
Labor relations process 勞動關系進程
Leaderless group discussion 無領導小組討論法

labor participation rate 勞動參與率 

Merit guideline 績效指南
Minimum wage Z低工資
On-the-job training, OTJ 在職培訓
Opportunity to perform 實踐的機會
Organizational analysis 組織分析
Organizational capability 組織能力

Pay-for-performance standard 按績效的報酬標準
Pay structure 工資結構
Peer appraisal 同事評估
Performance appraisal 績效評價
Performance feedback 績效反饋
Performance management 績效管理
Performance planning and evaluation (PPE) 績效規劃與評價系統
Perquisites 津貼
Person analysis 個人分析

Prime Workforce 壯年勞動力

Range spread 工資范圍跨度
Readiness for training 培訓準備
Recruitment 招募
Self-appraisal 自我評估
Situational interview 情景面試
Skill-based pay 技能工資
Skill inventories 技能量表
Strategic human resource management (SHRM) 戰略性人力資源管理
Wage and salary survey 薪資調查
Work permit/ work certificate 就業許可證 


上一條:如何計算翻譯字數 翻譯計字方法下一條:翻譯公司HR人力資源英語翻譯



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