


Beijing reported 36 new confirmed domestically transmitted COVID-19 cases and six new asymptomatic cases on Sunday, the municipal health commission said Monday.


drastic times call for drastic measures

Actions which are more extreme than we normally take are considered "drastic measures." Difficult situations require us to take actions that would be considered extreme if taken in other situations. It means that we need to take extreme actions here. (also: "desperate times call for desperate measures.)

比我們通常采取的更為極端的行動被認為是drastic measures。在情況很困難時往往需要我們采取在其他情況下被認為是極端的行動。這個短語的意思就是我們在這個情況下需要采取極端措施。


Experts said it is extremely unlikely for seafood like salmon to be the carrier of the novel coronavirus, which was found on cutting boards for imported salmon at Beijing's Xinfadi wholesale market.



Fish in their natural habitat cannot catch coronavirus, however, they can be contaminated by workers during capture or transportation.


Our seafood products are typically stored and transported in cold containers, thus it is possible for the virus to be preserved for a long time and increase the likelihood of infecting people.



The first may be the influx of meat and seafood to the market from all over the country and around the world. Some of it may have been contaminated by infected workers during processing and transportation, then the virus jumped from produce to people.


The second possibility is person-to-person transmission. "The infected person who brought the virus into the market might be asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms, and the hustle and bustle of the market led to the cluster of new infections," he said.




Based on preliminary analysis of the two early cases, the coronavirus strain in the latest outbreak is different from the ones found in China, and early data suggest it is a mutated variety from Europe.


However, people should take this finding with a grain of salt as more testing is being conducted to confirm the origin of virus.




All personnel in the Xinfadi market and nearby residents will receive nucleic acid tests and be put under medical observation. Those who have had close contact with workers at the market since May 30 should take the initiative to report to their employers and communities, and go through testing.


From 3 am on Saturday, the market has been shut down for probes into its contamination and infection risk, as well as cleaning and disinfection.


Eleven residential areas nearby are now closed to nonresidents, and several primary schools and kindergartens near the market are suspended.


Five suspended trade fairs have been disinfected and 252 agricultural product markets that are in operation are urged to conduct disinfection on a daily basis.


All hospitals were required to perform nucleic acid and antibody tests, a CT scan and a routine blood test on patients with a fever.



上一條:英語翻譯:Father's Day父親節下一條:客家語翻譯



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