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1. 如果設(shè)備或材料是常規(guī)庫(kù)存,則買方只對(duì)終止合同前已交付并接收的貨物進(jìn)行付款;

If the equipment is Seller's standard stock,  Purchaser's obligation will only be to pay for equipment shipped prior to the terminationand which are accepted;

2. 如果設(shè)備是根據(jù)買方技術(shù)參數(shù)為買方定制的,賣方應(yīng)立即停止生產(chǎn)并采取一切措施減少成本;

If the equipment is manufactured or fabricated to specifications prepared by or for Purchaser, when Seller receive Purchaser's notice of termination Seller must immediately cease manufacture and supply of work(either totally or to the extent specified in the notice) and do all thingspossible to mitigate any further costs;

3. 在合同解除前賣方能證明的根據(jù)采購(gòu)合同已合理產(chǎn)生的且無(wú)法補(bǔ)償或撤回的費(fèi)用;

Purchaser will pay Seller any costs reasonably incurredby up to the date of termination which are directly attributable to the Order and which cannot otherwise be recouped by Seller, if seller can give reasonable evidenceof those costs;

4. 買方付款后,相應(yīng)設(shè)備及材料的所有權(quán)應(yīng)轉(zhuǎn)移給買方。

Upon such payment, title to  Goods and materials paid for will pass to Purchaser.



7.裝船時(shí)間:Shipment date:

8.裝運(yùn)口岸:Port of Loading:

9.目的口岸:Port of Destination :


Shipping mark: The seller is responsible for the goods with each solid color is not faded or marked clearly Shuayin the following marks, and the port of destination, piece number, gross weight, net weight, size, volume (in cubic meters of that) and other markers buyer requirements . In the case of dangerous and toxic goods, the seller is responsible for ensuring the goods in each clearly marked with the goods on the nature and the accepted mark.


11.交貨條件:FOB/CFR/CIF, .除非另有規(guī)定,“CFR/CIF”均應(yīng)依照國(guó)際商會(huì)制定的《國(guó)際貿(mào)易術(shù)語(yǔ)解釋通則》(INCOTERMS  1900)辦理。

Delivered terms: FOB / CFR / CIF , Unless otherwise specified, "CFR / CIF" shall be in accordance with International Chamber of Commerce "International Incoterms" (INCOTERMS 1900) apply.


12.貨物生產(chǎn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn):Goods production standards:



When delivery is FOB or CFR terms, the buyer should be responsible for insuring;

當(dāng)交貨條件為CIF時(shí),應(yīng)由賣方按發(fā)票金額110%投保    險(xiǎn);附加險(xiǎn);     。

When the delivery condition is CIF, the seller of the invoice value shall be 110% of investment            insurance; additional risks;     .)  


One month prior to the time of shipment the Buyer shall open with the Bank of _______an irrevocable Letter of Credit in favour of the Seller payable at the issuing bank against presentati on of documents as stipulated under Clause 18. A. of SECTION II, the Terms of Delivery of this Contract after departure of the carrying vessel. The said Letter of Credit shall remain in force till the 15th day after shipment.


14.2 托收(D/P 或D/A)支付Collection (D / P or D / A) paid


After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the Buyer and deliver the documents through Sellers bank and ______Bank to the Buyer against payment, i.e D/P. The Buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.

貨物發(fā)運(yùn)后,賣方出具以買方為付款人的承兌跟單匯票,匯付款期限為      后 ,按即期承兌交單(D/A     工作日)方式,通過(guò)賣方銀行及      銀行,經(jīng)買方承兌后,向買方轉(zhuǎn)交單證,買方按匯票期限到期支付貨款。

After shipment, the Seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable _____days after the Buyers delivers the documents through Sellers bank and ________Bank to the Buyer against acceptance(D/A _____days).The Buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange.)

14.3 匯付(T/T或M/T)(Remittance (T / T or M / T)


The buyer by the seller under this contract, article 23 of the shipping documents submitted after the 7 working days, to telegraphic transfer / mail transfer to pay money.



Product name, quantity, quality, brands and goods from the seller and the buyer the detailed technical requirements established by written agreement, in the list set out in the annex of this contract. The list attached to this contract as a contract attachment

16.貨物保質(zhì)期:       年 Shelf life of goods:       years

17.貨物保修期:       年,終身維護(hù)。如保修期內(nèi)此批產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)任何產(chǎn)品本身故障(使用不當(dāng)及不可抗力因素除外), 賣方接到通知7天內(nèi)趕到現(xiàn)場(chǎng)解決。期間發(fā)生的任何費(fèi)用(指維修、零配件及交通差旅費(fèi))均有賣方負(fù)責(zé)承擔(dān)。賣方如未能遵守前述售后服務(wù)承諾,造成買方損失或影響買方工作,除賠償買方損失外,還應(yīng)該承擔(dān)合同金額的10%違約金。對(duì)因產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量原因造成的人身、財(cái)產(chǎn)損害,賣方承擔(dān)全部法律責(zé)任和賠償責(zé)任。

Goods warranty:       years,Lifelong maintenance. If this batch of product during the warranty period the product itself any trouble (except for use of improper force majeure), the seller notified within 7 days to resolve the scene. Any costs incurred during the period (defined as maintenance, spare parts and transport for travel) are liable for the seller. If the seller fails to comply with the above service commitment, resulting in loss or impact the buyer the buyer work, in addition to compensation for damages from the buyer, the contract should also bear 10% of the amount of liquidated damages. Caused due to product quality, personal, property damage, the seller accept full legal responsibility and liability.



Other conditions: Unless agreed and accepted by the Buyer, all other relevant matters in this contract Junan second Bufen delivery terms which shall  delivery contract terms based Bukefendi part, if any additional terms of this contract automatically prevail Jiang implementation of additional provisions, such as additional terms in conflict with the terms of the contract, Zeyi additional clause.


19.FOB條件(For FOB Terms:)

20.C&F條件(For C&F Terms:)

20.1.賣方在本合同第8條規(guī)定的時(shí)間之內(nèi)應(yīng)將貨物裝上由裝運(yùn)港到中國(guó)口岸的直達(dá)船。未經(jīng)買方事先許可,不得轉(zhuǎn)船。貨物不得由懸掛中國(guó)港口當(dāng)局所不能接受的國(guó)家旗幟的船裝載。Sellers in Article 8 of this contract within the time to be loaded and shipped to Hong Kong to China from the port of direct shipping. Without Buyer's prior permission of transshipment. Goods shall not be hoisted by the Port Authority can not accept the Chinese national flag vessels loading.


Seller charter should only be seaworthy and suitable goods. Sellers should be prudent and careful charter to select the carrier and ship. The buyer does not accept non-member protection and indemnity association vessel.



The carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall sail and arrive at the port of destination within the normal and reasonable period of time. Any unreasonable aviation or delay is not allowed.



The age of the carrying vessel chartered by the Seller shall not exceed 15 years. In case her age exceeds 15 years, the extra average insurance premium thus incurred shall be borne by the Seller. Vessel over 20 years of age shall in no event be acceptable to the Buyer



For cargo lots over 1,000 M/T each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the Buyer, the Seller shall, at least 10 days prior to the date of shipment,inform the Buyer by telex or cable of the following information:the contract number, the name of commodity, quantity, the name of the carrying vessel, the age, nationality, and particulars of the carrying vessel, the expected date of loading, the expected time of arrival at the port of destination, the name, telex and cable address of the carrier.



For cargo lots over 1,000 M/T each, or any other lots less than 1,000 metric tons but identified by the Buyer, the Master of the carrying vessel shall notify the Buyer respectively 7(seven) days and 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of destination, by telex or cable about its ETA (expected time of arrival), contract number, the name of commodity, and quantity.


20.7.如果貨物由班輪裝運(yùn),載貨船只必須是______船級(jí)社zui高船級(jí)或船級(jí)協(xié)會(huì)條款規(guī)定的相同級(jí)別的船級(jí),船只狀況應(yīng)保持至提單有效期終了時(shí)止,以裝船日為準(zhǔn)船齡不得超過(guò)20年。超過(guò)20年船齡的船只,賣方應(yīng)負(fù)擔(dān)超船齡外保險(xiǎn)費(fèi)。買方絕不接受超過(guò)25年船齡的船只。If goods are to be shipped per liner vessel under liner Bill of Lading, the carrying vessel must be classified as the highest ____________ or equivalent class as per the Institute Cla ssification Clause and shall be so maintained throughout the duration of the relevant Bill of Lading. Nevertheless, the maximum age of the vessel shall not exceed 20 years at the date of loading. The seller shall bear the average insurance premium for liner vessel older than 20 years. Under no circum -stances shall the Buyer accept vessel over 25 years of age.



For break bulk cargoes, if goods are shipped in containers by the Seller without prior consent of the Buyer, a compensation of a certain amount to be agreed upon by both parties shall be payable to the Buyer by the Seller.



The Seller shall maintain close contact with the carrying vessel and shall notify the Buyer by fastest means of communication about any and all accidents that may occur while the carrying vessel is on route. The Seller shall assume full responsibility and shall compensate the Buyer for all losses incurred for its failure to give timely advice or notification to the Buyer


21.CIF條件(CIF Terms):  在CIF條件下,除本合同第15條C&F條件適用之外賣方負(fù)責(zé)貨物的保險(xiǎn),但不允許有免賠率。

Under CIF terms, besides Clause 15 C&F Terms of this contract which shall be applied the Seller shall be responsible for covering the cargo with relevant insurance with irrespective percentage.


22.裝船通知Advice of Shipment:


Within 48 hours immediately after completion of loading of goods on board the vessel the Seller shall advise the Buyer by cable or telex of the contract number, the name of goods, weight(net/gross) or quantity loaded, invoice value, name of vessel, port of loading, sailing date and expected time of arrival (ETA) at the port of destination. Should the Buyer be unable to arrange insurance in time owing to the Seller‘s failure to give the above mentioned advice of shipment by cable or telex, the Seller shall be held responsible for any and all damages and/or losses attributable to such failure.


23.裝船單據(jù)Shipping Document


The Seller shall present the following documents to the paying bank for negotiation of payment:



Full set of clean on board, “freight prepaid” for C&F/CIF Terms or “Freight to collect” for FOB/FAS Terms, Ocean Bills of Lading, made out to order and blank endorsed, notifying ___________at the port of destination.



Commercial invoice in triplicate, indicating contract number, credit number, product name, detailed specifications and shipping marks 



Two copies of packing list and/or weight memo with indication of gross and net weight of each package and/or measurements volume



Two copies each of the certificates of quality and quantity certificate of origin or weight issued by the manufacturer and/or a qualified independent surveyor at the loading port and must indicate full specifications of goods conforming to stipulations in Letter of Credit.



One duplicate copy of the cable or telex advice of shipment as stipulated in Clause 17 of the Terms of Delivery.



A letter attesting that extra copies of abovementioned documents have been dispatched according to the Contract.



A letter attesting that the nationality of the carrying vessel has been approved by the Buyer.



The relevant insurance policy covering, but not limited to at least 110% of the invoice value against all and war risks if the insurance is covered by the Buyer.


23.A.9. 賣方需提供FORM A、機(jī)電設(shè)備類需提供CE ROSH.

The seller must provide the FORM A, electromechanical equipment required to provide CE ROSH.



Any original document(s) made by rephotographic system, automated or computerized system or carbon copies shall not be acceptable unless they are clearly marked as “ORIGINAL.” and certified with signatures in hand writing by authorised officers of the issuing company or corporation.



Through Bill of Lading, Stale Bill of Lading, Short Form Bill of Lading, shall not be acceptable.



Third Party appointed by the Beneficiary as shipper shall not be acceptable unless such Third Party Bill of Lading is made out to the order of shipper and endorsed to the Beneficiary and blank endorsed by the Beneficiary.


23.E. 當(dāng)付是信用證時(shí),信用證開(kāi)立日期之前出具的單據(jù)不能接受。

Documents issued earlier than the opening date of Letter of Credit shall not be acceptable.  



In the case of C&F/CIF shipments, Charter Party Bill of Lading shall not be acceptable unless Beneficiary provides one copy each of the Charter Party, Master‘s of Mate’s receipt, shipping order and cargo or stowage plan and/or other documents called for in the Letter of Credit by the Buyer.



The seller shall dispatch, in care of the carrying vessel, two copies each of the duplicates of Bill of Lading. Invoice and Packing List to the Buyer‘s receiving agent, _______________at the port of destination.



Immediately after the departure of the carrying vessel, the Seller shall airmail one set of the duplicate documents to the Buyer and three sets of the same to  ___________Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.)



(The Seller shall assume full responsibility and be liable to th e Buyer and shall compensate the Buyer for all losses arising from going astray of and/or the delay in the dispatch of the above mentioned documents.



Banking charges outside the People‘s Republic of China shall be for the Seller’s account.



If the goods under this Contract are to be dispatched by air, all the terms and conditions of this Contract in connection with ocean transportation shall be governed by relevant air terms.


27.危險(xiǎn)品說(shuō)明書  凡屬危險(xiǎn)品及/或有毒,賣方必須提供其危險(xiǎn)或有毒性能、運(yùn)輸、倉(cāng)儲(chǔ)和裝卸注意事項(xiàng)以及防治、急救、消防方法的說(shuō)明書,賣方應(yīng)將此項(xiàng)說(shuō)明書各三份隨同其他裝船單據(jù)航空郵寄給買方及目的口岸的___________運(yùn)輸公司。

Instruction leaflets on dangerous cargo:For dangerous and/or poisonous cargo, the Seller must provide instruction leaflets stating the hazardous or poisonous properties, transportation,storage and handling remarks, as well as precautionary and first-air measures and measures against fire. The Seller shall airmail, together with other shipping documents, three copies each of the same to the Buyer and___________ Transportation Corporation at the port of destination.


仲裁  雙方同意對(duì)一切因執(zhí)行和解釋本合同條款所發(fā)生的爭(zhēng)議,努力通過(guò)友好協(xié)商解決。在爭(zhēng)議發(fā)生之日起一個(gè)合理的時(shí)間內(nèi),zui多不超過(guò)30天,協(xié)商不能取得對(duì)買賣雙方都滿意的結(jié)果時(shí),如買方?jīng)Q定不向他認(rèn)為合適的有管轄權(quán)的法院提出訴訟,則該爭(zhēng)議應(yīng)提交仲裁。除雙方另有協(xié)議,仲裁應(yīng)在中國(guó)北京舉行,并按中國(guó)國(guó)際貿(mào)易促進(jìn)委員會(huì)對(duì)外貿(mào)易仲裁委員會(huì)所制訂的仲裁規(guī)則和程序進(jìn)行仲裁,該仲裁為終局裁決,對(duì)雙方均有約束力。仲裁費(fèi)用除非另有決定,由敗訴一方負(fù)擔(dān)。

Arbitration: Both parties agree to attempt to resolve all disputes between the parties with respect to the application or interpretation of any term hereof of transaction hereunder, through amicable negotiation. If a dispute cannot be resolved in this manner to the satisfaction of the Seller and the Buyer within a reasonable period of time, maximum not exceeding 90 days after the date of the notification of such dispute, the case under dispute shall be submitted to arbitration if the Buyer should decide not to take the case to court at a place of jurisdiction that the Buyer may deem appropriate. Unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties, such arbitration shall be held in beijing,and shall be governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision by such arbitration shall be accepted as final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party unless otherwise awarded.






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