


Article:n. 物件,物品;文章,報道;條款,條文;契約;章程

Arbitration:n. 仲裁

Clause:n. (法律文件或正式文件的)條款;從句

Contend:vt. 主張,聲稱,認為 // vi. 爭斗;爭奪,競爭

Expunge:vt. 除去,刪去;抹掉,拭去

Injunction:n. 禁止令,禁令;正式命令,指令

Memorandum:n. 備忘錄;意向書;協議記錄

Prejudice:n. 偏見,歧視;(對他人權利)的損害,侵害 // vt. 使懷有成見,使產生歧視;損害,傷害

Reconcile:vt. 使和解;調解;使相容;使順從,安于

Relief:n. 寬慰,慰藉;解除,減輕;救濟,救援,援助;救濟金;換班人,替換人;浮雕;司法救助

Resolution:n. 決定,決議,議案;問題解決,疑團消除;堅定,堅決,決心;決定;分辨率,清晰度

Summon:n. 傳喚,傳票 // vt. 召喚;傳訊,傳喚;鼓起,振作

Writ:n. 令狀,書面命令;文書,文件;訴訟

The judge held that in the present case, Hickman’s action is in substance, to enforce his rights as a member under the acticles against the association. Article 49 is a general article applying to all members as such, and it would seem reasonable that Hickman ought not to be allowed to in the absence of evidence filed by him to proceed with an action to enforce his right under the articles, seeing that the action is a breach of his obligation under article 49 to submit his disputes with the association, and if the case falls within the Act, I see no reason for exercising my discretion under s.4 in his favour.







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