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Shadow media translation(medical-translation)

It refers to the industrial cluster formed by the media entity which disseminates all kinds of information and knowledge. It is a special industry that produces and disseminates all kinds of information products in the form of text, graphics, art, language, image, sound, digital, symbol and provides various value-added services. It is a young field, but it develops rapidly.

I remember Mr. Liu Zhongting, Chairman of the Board of Directors, said, "The 21st century will be an era of media. Movies, television, the Internet, newspapers and media will play an increasingly important role in every aspect of our work and life. Media industry is becoming the most potential sunrise industry, and the field of film and television media is a new information industry rising in recent years.

Bilan has more than 8 years of translation service experience in the film and television media industry. The professional project translation team can quickly and accurately meet the translation needs of the international film and television media industry. Most of the film and television media translators graduated from famous universities at home and abroad, have rich translation experience, understand the relevant programs of various film and television media, are familiar with the relevant knowledge, and have a deep grasp of the development of film and television translation industry and related terms. We are committed to providing each customer with the highest quality and fastest speed media industry translation service solutions.

Film and TV Media Translation Industry

Translation services in the industries of culture and entertainment, publishing, radio and television, media industry, media industry, network media industry, outdoor media industry, media consultation industry, media advertising industry, media planning industry, media investment industry, media education industry, Media Exhibition (tourism), newspapers and magazines, public relations companies, etc.

Translation Content of Film and Television Media

Dubbing - Multimedia CD dubbing, various feature film dubbing, VCD dubbing, advertising dubbing, film dubbing, television dubbing, radio dubbing, novel dubbing, color bell dubbing, courseware dubbing, animation dubbing, FLASH dubbing and production of sound effects, role dubbing in game software, dubbing, voice calling, voice information recording, voice short message dubbing, imitation dubbing, and so on Foreign language recording of his manuscripts, etc.

Audio-to-speech or text-based translation is mainly used in the production of subtitles.

Subtitles - Later processing of foreign languages in TV, film and stage works.

Culture and art: translation of documents such as news, fiction, reports, poetry, news, prose, foreign books, newspapers, magazines, books, cartoons, film and television scripts, and translation services such as film and video subtitle dubbing.

Interpretation Project: Life Accompaniment, Business Accompaniment, Overseas Accompaniment, Simultaneous Interpretation, Alternate Interpretation, Site Deployment, Court Interpretation, Telephone Interpretation and other translation services.

Other services: human resources services, translation dispatch, simultaneous transmission equipment leasing, localization services.

Translation Language of Film and Television Media

Our translation services involve the following languages: English translation, French translation, Russian translation, German translation, Japanese translation, Korean translation

ItalyLanguage translation, Portuguese translation, Spanish translation, Arabic translation... More than one hundred languages.

Translation Guarantee of Film and Television Media

1. Quality control

With a large and professional translation team, Bilan ensures that all kinds of manuscripts are produced by experienced translators. In view of the project specialization, from the beginning of receiving the manuscripts, the teachers and translators of the translation department confirm their specialty and analyze the professional level of the materials; unify the professional terminology and stipulate the standard format; all the refinements of the translations must be strictly proofread in both language and language and professional technology. From the completion of the first draft to the final draft, from proofreading to final review, each process is coordinated.

2. Confidentiality System

We are well aware of the importance of your data, which may be related to market strategy, enterprise development, or even the success or failure of the enterprise. Our company implements strict confidentiality system. Before every translation project starts, we must sign a confidentiality agreement with customers and translators.

3. After-sales Guarantee

Biran insists on 100% manual translation, and every project handled will ensure timely delivery to customers. After the completion of the translation project, we will follow up in time and hope to get feedback from customers and properly handle their comments and suggestions. If you think we have some problems, such as inaccurate vocabulary, poor typesetting, deviation of translation style, and lack of professional service staff, you can give us feedback. We will deal with them as soon as we receive feedback. We will give you feedback on your questions at the first time, and adjust, modify and polish the manuscripts free of charge.

Translation process

Translation: Project Consultation - Receiving Contributions - Translation Scheme and Quotation - Signing Contracts - Delivering Costs - Establishing Project Translation Team - Second Translation Revision - Typography and Desktop Printing - Submitting Contributions - Customer Feedback.

Interpretation: project consultation - put forward detailed requirements (region, time, language, method) - translation scheme and quotation - screen the resume of interpreter - sign contract - deliver cost - arrange interpreter - project completion - customer feedback.

About offer

The price of translation depends mainly on the specific professional requirements and difficulty of translation materials, the source language, target language, the total amount of materials to be translated and the degree of urgency.

The quotation of interpretation mainly depends on the language of translation, the occasion of translation, the professionalism of translation, the length of time and other factors.

For further information, please call 400-8633-580 or send us a message to pay attention to Brighttrans. We will determine the most accurate service quotation according to the language of translation, the professional field of documents, the format of documents, the number of documents, the time of submission and other factors you need. Bilan looks forward to long-term cooperation with you!

Professional translators look for blue, we grow with you

We regard word of mouth as life, customer satisfaction rate is 99%

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