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AboutCustomer case

AboutCustomer case

    1. Industry field: Digital electronics/DV
      Cooperation time: 7 years
      Cooperation scope: DV product specification, manual
      Translation language:

    1. Industry field: Electronic communication, artificial intelligence, 5G, storage
      Cooperation time: 7 years
      Cooperation scope: Product specificat

    1. Industry field: College clients, college branches
      Cooperation time: 5 year
      Cooperation scope: Translation, listening translation, student

    1. Industry field: Electronics
      Cooperation time: 6 years
      Cooperation scope: Specification, manual
      Translation language: Chinese, English, Japanese

    1. Industry field: College clients, college branches
      Cooperation time: 6 year
      Cooperation scope: Translation, listening translation, student

    1. Industry field: Member in various industries
      Cooperation time: 13 years
      Cooperation scope: Translation, interpretation, simultaneous interpret

    1. Industry field: Member of associations
      Cooperation time: 11 years
      Cooperation scope: Translation, interpretation
      Translation language: Chi

    1. Industry field: Firm
      Cooperation time: 6 years
      Cooperation scope: Translation, interpretation
      Translation language: Chinese, Korean, English,&#

    1. Industry field: FMCG electronics
      Cooperation time: 9 years
      Cooperation scope: Product specification, electronic product
      Translation language:&#

    1. Industry field: Electronics
      Cooperation time: 9 years
      Cooperation scope: Specification, manual, etc.
      Translation language: Chinese, Japanese,&#

    1. Industry field: Electronics
      Cooperation time: 8 years
      Cooperation scope: Specification, manual
      Translation language: Chinese, English, French,&

    1. Industry field: Express logistics
      Cooperation time: 5 years
      Cooperation scope: Contract, specification, manual
      Translation language: Chinese,&#

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