
Legal translation

Legal translation

Translation in the field of law, because the legal text has a great influence, the legal language must be precise and error-free. The lighter will involve civil penalties, and the heavier will bear criminal responsibility. Although translators of legal translation only deal with text or other forms of content, since a small mistake will lead to misinformation, it is necessary to keep in mind the accuracy, and the legal translator ’s insistence on accuracy will show the legal translation A precise beauty.

Vagueness is another feature of legal language. Vagueness in legal language means that certain legal provisions or legal expressions cannot be semantically determined, and it is generally used in situations where the nature, scope, degree, quantity, etc. of legal facts are unclear. Vague words not only have general characteristics, but also have rich legal connotations.

In addition to accuracy, legal language sometimes requires conciseness. The highly condensed legal language gives a sense of solemnity and solemnity, and the dignity of legal persons is prominent.

The law has a long history and many ancient words are contained in legal texts. Although many old words in common English are not used often, in legal English today, the meaning and usage of many of these words are as usual and unchanged for thousands of years. The use of ancient words can make legal documents more concise and solemn, add strong question characteristics to the legal language, make legal documents more formal, and show more elegant and solemn beauty.

Translators who are familiar with legal translation will find that legal translation often uses prepositions, declarative sentences, and imperative sentences, and often uses passive voices, nominalized phrases, present and past participles. In terms of language structure and grammar, it is also very different from other industry types of translation.

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